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something had to give

  • 1 Something had to give.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Something had to give.

  • 2 something's got to give

    expr infml

    The pressure on me is getting to be too much. Something's got to give — Они давят на меня самым беспардонным образом. Так дальше продолжаться не может

    They keep arguing about money. Something's got to give — В отношении денежной проблемы выход должен быть найден


    If we go on at this rate something is got to give — Если мы будем продолжать в том же духе, то что-то должно случиться

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > something's got to give

  • 3 give way

    1) отступать, давать дорогу; расступиться, раздвинуться, пропустить

    The crowd gave way, and one by one the prisoners were thrust in. (U. Sinclair, ‘Jimmie Higgins’, ch. VI) — Толпа расступилась, и арестованных поодиночке впихнули в машину.

    2) (to smb. или smth.) уступать, идти на уступки кому-л. или чему-л., сдавать свои позиции; уступать место чему-л., сменяться чем-л.

    In the beginning he had been watched with anxiety, perhaps even with misgiving. But soon this gave way to open admiration. (A. J. Cronin, ‘A Thing of Beauty’, part II, ch. XIV) — Сначала за его работой наблюдали с опасением, почти с тревогой. Но вскоре тревога сменилась открытым восхищением.

    ‘I've heard rumors of the story - what really happened?’ she asked, the woman in her giving way to the reporter. (S. Heym, ‘The Crusaders’, book I, ch. 2) — - Я слышала об этой истории. Расскажите, как было дело. - В Карен заговорило не любопытство женщины, а профессиональный интерес.

    Sir H: "I am not giving way, so the hon. member need not get ants in his pants. I have only two minutes and he took too long anyway." (‘Parliamentary Debates’, ‘House of Commons’) — Сэр Г: "Я не собираюсь уступать место другому оратору. Почтенный джентльмен может не трепыхаться. В моем распоряжении только две минуты, а он проговорил больше положенного времени."

    The Government must not give way to political blackmail from the arms kings. (‘Daily Worker’) — Правительство не должно идти на уступки торговцам оружием, прибегающим к политическому шантажу.

    3) отказать, испортиться, сломаться; сдать (о здоровье, нервах); помутиться ( о рассудке); подкоситься ( о ногах)

    Something gave way in him, and words came welling up... (J. Galsworthy, ‘Caravan’, ‘Salvation of a Forsyte’) — Что-то прорвалось в нем, и слова посыпались одно за другим...

    The uproar was appalling, perilous to the ear-drums; one feared there was too much sound for the room to hold - that the walls must give way or the ceiling crack. (U. Sinclair, ‘The Jungle’, ch. III) — Шум стоял невообразимый: казалось, что лопнут барабанные перепонки, что зал не вместит в себя все эти звуки и обвалятся стены или обрушится потолок.

    Something seemed to give way in his heart; it really felt to him as though something were breaking, and he felt strangely weak. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, ch. 75) — Что-то неладное творилось у него с сердцем: ему казалось, что оно действительно рвется на части, и он чувствовал непривычную слабость.

    Her words startled him; his composure began to give way... (A. J. Cronin, ‘Three Loves’, book II, ch. 29) — Слова матери встревожили Питера. Спокойствие изменило ему...

    He moved forward and his legs gave way and he fell awkwardly and completely on his side, his arms and head flinging themselves loosely at will. (J. Aldridge, ‘The Diplomat’, ch. 16) — Он сделал движение вперед, ноги у него разъехались, и он, неуклюже взмахнув руками, боком грохнулся на лед.

    ...we have to do with one whose mind has given way under continued strain. (I. Murdoch, ‘The Black Prince’, ‘Postscript by Rachel’) —...перед нами человек, чей рассудок не выдержал длительного напряжения.

    4) (to smth.) давать волю чему-л., поддаваться, предаваться (какому-л. чувству); потерять самообладание, контроль

    Rebecca gave way to some very sincere and touching regrets that a piece of marvellous good fortune should have been so near her, and she actually obliged to decline it. (W. Thackeray, ‘Vanity Fair’, ch. XV) — Ребекка предавалась весьма искренним и трогательным сожалениям по поводу того, что удача была так близко, а между тем она была вынуждена отказаться от нее.

    Here the dame was... inclined to give way to a passion of tears. (W. Scott, ‘The Fortunes of Nigel’, ch. XXXVI) — В эту минуту дама... готова была залиться горькими слезами.

    Margery: "Oh! What shall we do?" Dorothy: "Don't give way, Marge. It's not certain yet." (W. S. Maugham, ‘The Bread-Winner’, sc. 1) — Марджери: "Боже! Что с нами будет?" Дороти: "Держи себя в руках, Мардж. Пока еще ничего не известно."

    Left alone in her strange abode Jennie gave way to her saddened feelings. (Th. Dreiser, ‘Jennie Gerhardt’, ch. X) — Оставшись одна в новом, чужом месте, Дженни дала волю своему горю.

    5) налечь на вёсла, прибавить ходу

    And the next moment he and the captain had dropped aboard of us, and we had showed off and given way. (R. L. Stevenson, ‘Treasure Island’, ch. XVI) — Грей и капитан быстро прыгнули в шлюпку, мы отчалили и налегли на весла.

    6) ком. понизиться в цене ( об акциях на фондовой бирже)

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > give way

  • 4 give

    give [gɪv]
    donner1A (a)-(c), 1B (b)-(d), 1C (a), 1C (d), 1C (e), 1D (a), 1D (c)-(f), 2 (a) offrir1A (a), 1A (c) conférer1B (a) imposer1C (b) reconnaître1C (f) faire1D (a)-(c), 1D (f) s'affaisser2D (b) élasticité3
    (pt gave [geɪv], pp given ['gɪvən])
    (a) (hand over) donner; (as gift) donner, offrir;
    I gave him the book, I gave the book to him je lui ai donné le livre;
    we gave our host a gift nous avons offert un cadeau à notre hôte;
    the family gave the paintings to the museum la famille a fait don des tableaux au musée;
    he gave his daughter in marriage il a donné sa fille en mariage;
    she gave him her hand (to hold) elle lui a donné ou tendu la main; (in marriage) elle lui a accordé sa main;
    literary to give oneself to sb se donner à qn;
    I give you the newlyweds! (in toast) je lève mon verre au bonheur des nouveaux mariés!;
    I gave him my coat to hold je lui ai confié mon manteau;
    she gave them her trust elle leur a fait confiance, elle leur a donné sa confiance;
    familiar give it all you've got! mets-y le paquet!;
    familiar I'll give you something to cry about! je vais te donner une bonne raison de pleurer, moi!;
    familiar to give it to sb (beat up) rosser qn; (reprimand) passer un savon à qn;
    give it to them! allez-y!;
    familiar I gave him what for! (reprimanded him) je lui ai passé un savon!;
    familiar caviare on toast? I'll give him caviare on toast! (in annoyance at request) du caviar et des toasts! je vais lui en donner, moi, du caviar et des toasts!
    (b) (grant → right, permission, importance) donner;
    give the matter your full attention prêtez une attention toute particulière à cette affaire;
    he gave your suggestion careful consideration il a considéré votre suggestion avec beaucoup d'attention;
    Law the court gave her custody of the child la cour lui a accordé la garde de l'enfant;
    she hasn't given her approval yet elle n'a pas encore donné son consentement
    (c) (provide with → drink, food) donner, offrir; (→ lessons, classes, advice) donner; (→ help) prêter;
    give our guests something to eat/drink donnez à manger/à boire à nos invités;
    we gave them lunch nous les avons invités ou nous leur avons fait à déjeuner;
    I think I'll give them beef for lunch je crois que je vais leur faire du bœuf au déjeuner;
    let me give you some advice laissez-moi vous donner un conseil;
    I gave her the biggest bedroom je lui ai donné la plus grande chambre;
    they're giving us a pay rise ils nous donnent une augmentation de salaire;
    an investment that gives 10 percent un placement qui rend ou rapporte 10 pour cent;
    the children can wash up, it will give them something to do les enfants peuvent faire la vaisselle, ça les occupera;
    she gave him two lovely daughters elle lui a donné deux adorables filles;
    to give a child a name donner un nom à un enfant;
    to give sb/sth one's support soutenir qn/qch;
    do you give a discount? faites-vous des tarifs préférentiels?;
    this lamp gives a poor light cette lampe éclaire mal;
    give me time to think donnez-moi ou laissez-moi le temps de réfléchir;
    she didn't give him time to say no elle ne lui a pas laissé le temps de dire non;
    just give me time! sois patient!;
    we were given a choice on nous a fait choisir;
    give me a chance! donne-moi une chance!;
    such talent is not given to us all nous n'avons pas tous un tel talent;
    familiar give me classical music any day! à mon avis rien ne vaut la musique classique!
    (a) (confer → award) conférer;
    they gave her an honorary degree ils lui ont conféré un diplôme honorifique
    (b) (dedicate) donner, consacrer;
    she gave all she had to the cause elle s'est entièrement consacrée à cette cause;
    can you give me a few minutes? pouvez-vous m'accorder ou me consacrer quelques instants?;
    he gave his life to save the child il est mort ou il a donné sa vie pour sauver l'enfant;
    I've given you six years of my life je t'ai donné six ans de ma vie;
    she gave this job the best years of her life elle a consacré à ce travail les plus belles années de sa vie
    (c) (in exchange) donner; (pay) payer;
    I gave him my sweater in exchange for his gloves je lui ai échangé mon pull contre ses gants;
    I'll give you a good price for the table je vous donnerai ou payerai un bon prix pour la table;
    how much will you give me for it? combien m'en donneras-tu?;
    I would give a lot or a great deal to know… je donnerais beaucoup pour savoir…
    (d) (transmit) donner, passer;
    I hope I don't give you my cold j'espère que je ne vais pas te passer mon rhume
    (a) (cause) donner, causer; (headache) donner; (pleasure, surprise, shock) faire;
    the walk gave him an appetite la promenade l'a mis en appétit ou lui a ouvert l'appétit;
    the news gave me a shock la nouvelle m'a fait un choc;
    to give oneself trouble se donner du mal
    (b) (impose → task) imposer; (→ punishment) infliger;
    the teacher gave us three tests this week le professeur nous a donné trois interrogations cette semaine;
    to give sb a black mark infliger un blâme à qn;
    Law he was given (a sentence of) fifteen years il a été condamné à quinze ans de prison
    (c) (announce → verdict, judgment)
    the court gives its decision today la cour prononce ou rend l'arrêt aujourd'hui;
    the court gave the case against/for the management la cour a décidé contre/en faveur de la direction;
    given this third day of March délivré le 3 mars;
    given under my hand and seal reçu par-devant moi et sous mon sceau;
    Sport the umpire gave the batsman out l'arbitre a déclaré le joueur hors jeu
    (d) (communicate → impression, order, signal) donner; (→ address, information) donner, fournir; (→ news, decision) annoncer;
    to give sb a message communiquer un message à qn;
    she gave her age as forty-five elle a déclaré avoir quarante-cinq ans;
    give her my love embrasse-la pour moi;
    he is to give his decision tomorrow il devra faire connaître ou annoncer sa décision demain;
    I gave a description of the suspect j'ai donné ou fourni une description du suspect;
    you gave me to believe he was trustworthy vous m'avez laissé entendre qu'on pouvait lui faire confiance;
    I was given to understand she was ill on m'a donné à croire qu'elle était malade;
    she gave no sign of life elle n'a donné aucun signe de vie
    (e) (suggest, propose → explanation, reason) donner, avancer; (→ hint) donner;
    that's given me an idea ça me donne une idée;
    don't go giving him ideas! ne va pas lui mettre des idées dans la tête!;
    give us a clue donne-nous un indice;
    let me give you an example laissez-moi vous donner un exemple;
    don't give me any nonsense about missing your train! ne me raconte pas que tu as raté ton train!;
    familiar don't give me that (nonsense)! ne me raconte pas d'histoires!
    (f) (admit, concede) reconnaître, accorder;
    she's certainly intelligent, I'll give you that elle est très intelligente, ça, je te l'accorde;
    Sport he gave me the game il m'a concédé la partie
    (a) (utter → sound) rendre, émettre; (→ answer) donner, faire; (→ cry, sigh) pousser;
    he gave a laugh il a laissé échapper un rire;
    he gave a loud laugh il a éclaté de rire;
    give us a song chantez-nous quelque chose
    (b) (make → action, gesture) faire;
    she gave them an odd look elle leur a jeté ou lancé un regard curieux;
    he gave her hand a squeeze il lui a pressé la main;
    she gave her hair a comb elle s'est donné un coup de peigne;
    he gave his face a wash il s'est lavé le visage;
    he gave the table a wipe il a essuyé la table;
    give me a kiss (gen) fais-moi la bise; (lover) embrasse-moi;
    I gave the boy a push j'ai poussé le garçon;
    the train gave a lurch le train a cahoté;
    she gave him a slap elle lui a donné une claque;
    she gave him a flirtatious smile elle lui a adressé ou fait un sourire séducteur;
    he gave an embarrassed smile il a eu un sourire gêné
    (c) (perform in public → concert) donner; (→ lecture, speech) faire; (→ interview) accorder;
    that evening she gave the performance of a lifetime ce soir-là elle était au sommet de son art
    (d) (hold → lunch, party, supper) donner, organiser;
    they gave a dinner for the professor ils ont donné un dîner en l'honneur du professeur
    (e) (estimate the duration of) donner, estimer;
    I give him one week at most je lui donne une semaine (au) maximum;
    I'd give their marriage about a year if that je donne un an maximum à leur mariage
    (f) Mathematics (produce) donner, faire;
    17 minus 4 gives 13 17 moins 4 font ou égalent 13;
    that gives a total of 26 ça donne un total de 26
    to give way (ground) s'affaisser; (bridge, building, ceiling) s'effondrer, s'affaisser; (ladder, rope) céder, (se) casser;
    the ground gave way beneath or under our feet le terrain s'est affaissé sous nos pieds;
    her legs gave way (beneath her) ses jambes se sont dérobées sous elle;
    his health finally gave way sa santé a fini par se détériorer ou se gâter;
    their strength gave way leurs forces leur ont manqué;
    it's easier to give way to his demands than to argue il est plus commode de céder à ses exigences que de lui résister;
    don't give way if he cries ne cède pas s'il pleure;
    I gave way to tears/to anger je me suis laissé aller à pleurer/emporter par la colère;
    he gave way to despair il s'est abandonné au désespoir;
    the fields gave way to factories les champs ont fait place aux usines;
    his joy gave way to sorrow sa joie a fait place à la peine;
    natural fibres have given way to synthetics les fibres naturelles ont été remplacées par les synthétiques;
    give way to vehicles on your right (sign) priorité aux véhicules qui viennent de droite;
    give way to pedestrians (sign) priorité aux piétons;
    give way (sign) cédez le passage
    (a) (contribute) donner;
    please give generously nous nous en remettons à votre générosité;
    to give generously of one's time donner beaucoup de son temps;
    proverb it is better to give than to receive donner vaut mieux que recevoir;
    in any relationship you have to learn to give and take dans toutes les relations, il faut apprendre à faire des concessions ou il faut que chacun y mette du sien;
    to give as good as one gets rendre coup pour coup
    (b) (collapse, yield → ground, wall) s'affaisser; (→ cloth, elastic) se relâcher; (→ person) céder;
    the fence gave beneath or under my weight la barrière a cédé ou s'est affaissée sous mon poids;
    something's got to give quelque chose va lâcher
    now give! accouche!, vide ton sac!
    what gives? qu'est-ce qui se passe?
    3 noun
    (of metal, wood) élasticité f, souplesse f;
    there's not enough give in this sweater ce pull n'est pas assez ample
    à... près;
    give or take a few days à quelques jours près
    ►► give way sign signal m de priorité
    (a) (hand over) donner; (as gift) donner, faire cadeau de; (prize) distribuer;
    it's so cheap they're practically giving it away c'est tellement bon marché, c'est comme s'ils en faisaient cadeau;
    you couldn't give them away tu n'arriveras pas à t'en débarrasser (même si tu en faisais cadeau)
    (b) (bride) conduire à l'autel
    (c) (throw away → chance, opportunity) gâcher, gaspiller
    (d) (reveal → information) révéler; (→ secret) révéler, trahir;
    he didn't give anything away il n'a rien dit
    (e) (betray) trahir;
    her accent gave her away son accent l'a trahie;
    no prisoner would give another prisoner away aucun prisonnier n'en trahirait un autre;
    to give oneself away se trahir
    (f) Australian (renounce → habit) renoncer à, abandonner; (resign from → job) quitter; (→ position) démissionner de
    (a) (return) rendre; (property, stolen object) restituer;
    give the book back to her rendez-lui le livre;
    the store gave him his money back le magasin l'a remboursé
    (b) (reflect → image, light) refléter, renvoyer; (→ sound) renvoyer
    give in
    (relent, yield) céder;
    to give in to sb/sth céder à qn/qch;
    the country refused to give in to terrorist threats le pays a refusé de céder aux menaces des terroristes
    (hand in → book, exam paper) rendre; (→ found object, parcel) remettre; (→ application, name) donner
    (a) (emit, produce → gas, smell) émettre
    donner sur
    (a) (hand out) distribuer
    (b) (emit → smell) dégager; (→ heat) répandre; (→ sound) émettre, faire entendre
    (c) (make known) annoncer, faire savoir;
    the hospital gave out information on her condition to them l'hôpital les a renseignés sur son état de santé;
    it was given out that he was leaving on a dit ou annoncé qu'il partait
    (a) (fail → machine) tomber en panne; (→ brakes) lâcher; (→ heart) flancher;
    the old car finally gave out la vieille voiture a fini par rendre l'âme
    (b) (run out) s'épuiser, manquer;
    her strength was giving out elle était à bout de forces, elle n'en pouvait plus;
    his mother's patience gave out sa mère a perdu patience;
    my luck gave out la chance m'a abandonné
    he gave out to me because I was late (scolded) il m'a enguirlandé parce que j'étais en retard
    donner sur
    (a) (entrust) donner, confier;
    he gave the children over to his mother il a confié les enfants à sa mère
    (b) (set aside) donner, consacrer; Administration affecter;
    the land was given over to agriculture la terre a été consacrée à l'agriculture;
    she gave herself over to helping the poor elle s'est consacrée à l'aide aux pauvres
    British familiar cesser de, arrêter de ;
    give over crying! cesse de pleurer!
    British familiar cesser, arrêter ;
    give over! assez!, arrête!
    give up
    (a) (renounce → habit) renoncer à, abandonner; (→ friend) abandonner, délaisser; (→ chair, place) céder; (→ activity) cesser;
    she'll never give him up elle ne renoncera jamais à lui;
    he's given up smoking il a arrêté de fumer, il a renoncé au tabac;
    I haven't given up the idea of going to China je n'ai pas renoncé à l'idée d'aller en Chine;
    he gave up his seat to the old woman il a cédé sa place à la vieille dame;
    don't give up hope ne perdez pas espoir;
    he was ready to give up his life for his country il était prêt à mourir pour la patrie;
    they gave up the game or the struggle ils ont abandonné la partie;
    we gave her brother up for dead nous avons conclu que son frère était mort;
    they gave the cause up for lost ils ont considéré que c'était une cause perdue;
    to give up the throne renoncer au trône;
    the doctors have given him up les médecins disent qu'il est perdu
    (b) (resign from → job) quitter; (→ position) démissionner de;
    they gave up the restaurant business ils se sont retirés de la restauration
    (c) (hand over → keys) rendre, remettre; (→ prisoner) livrer; (→ responsibility) se démettre de;
    the murderer gave himself up (to the police) le meurtrier s'est rendu ou livré (à la police);
    he gave his accomplices up to the police il a dénoncé ou livré ses complices à la police
    give it up for… je vous demande d'applaudir…
    I give up (in game, project) je renonce; (in guessing game) je donne ma langue au chat;
    we can't give up now! on ne va pas laisser tomber maintenant!
    to give up on sb (stop waiting for) renoncer à attendre qn; (stop expecting something from) ne plus rien attendre de qn;
    I give up on him, he won't even try j'abandonne, il ne fait pas le moindre effort
    to give oneself up to sth se livrer à qch;
    they gave themselves up to a life of pleasure ils se sont livrés à une vie de plaisir;
    he gave his life up to caring for the elderly il a consacré sa vie à soigner les personnes âgées;
    his mornings were given up to business ses matinées étaient consacrées aux affaires

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > give

  • 5 give up

    give up rinunciare, arrendersi
    to give up on — lasciar perdere [diet, crossword]; considerare irrecuperabile [ pupil]; dare per spacciato [ patient]; piantare [friend, partner]; give up [sth.], give [sth.] up
    1) (renounce or sacrifice) abbandonare, perdere [vice, habit]; rinunciare a [title, claim]; sacrificare [ free time]; lasciare [ job]

    to give up smoking, drinking — smettere di fumare, di bere

    2) (abandon) abbandonare [search, hope, struggle, subject]; rinunciare a [ idea]
    3) (surrender) cedere [seat, territory]; restituire [passport, key]; give up [sb.], give [sb.] up
    4) (hand over) consegnare

    to give oneself up — arrendersi, consegnarsi

    5) (drop) lasciare [ lover]; lasciar perdere, abbandonare [ friend]
    * * *
    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) smettere, abbandonare
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) rinunciare a
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) arrendersi; consegnare
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) dedicare
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) considerare come
    * * *
    1. vt + adv
    1) (surrender: place) cedere, (hand over: ticket) consegnare

    to give o.s. up — arrendersi

    to give o.s. up to the police — costituirsi alla polizia

    2) (renounce: friend, boyfriend, job) lasciare, (abandon: idea) rinunciare a, abbandonare, (abandon hope for: patient) dare per spacciato (-a), (expected visitor) non aspettare più

    I gave it up as a bad job fam — ci ho rinunciato, ho abbandonato l'idea

    to give up drinking/smoking — smettere di bere/fumare


    (devote: one's life, time) to give up (to) — dedicare (a)

    to give up (for)(sacrifice: one's life, career) donare (per), dare (per)

    2. vi + adv
    (stop trying) rinunciare, arrendersi

    I give up! (trying to guess) mi arrendo!

    I couldn't do it, so I gave up — non riuscivo a farlo, così ho lasciato perdere

    * * *
    give up rinunciare, arrendersi
    to give up on — lasciar perdere [diet, crossword]; considerare irrecuperabile [ pupil]; dare per spacciato [ patient]; piantare [friend, partner]; give up [sth.], give [sth.] up
    1) (renounce or sacrifice) abbandonare, perdere [vice, habit]; rinunciare a [title, claim]; sacrificare [ free time]; lasciare [ job]

    to give up smoking, drinking — smettere di fumare, di bere

    2) (abandon) abbandonare [search, hope, struggle, subject]; rinunciare a [ idea]
    3) (surrender) cedere [seat, territory]; restituire [passport, key]; give up [sb.], give [sb.] up
    4) (hand over) consegnare

    to give oneself up — arrendersi, consegnarsi

    5) (drop) lasciare [ lover]; lasciar perdere, abbandonare [ friend]

    English-Italian dictionary > give up

  • 6 give

    I. 1. v (gave, given) давам (something to someone, someone something някому нещо)
    a book was GIVEn to me, I wasGIVEn a book дадоха ми/дадена ми бе една книга
    2. подарявам, давам, оставям, завещавам
    it was GIVE n to me пoдaрък ми e, подариха ми го
    3. Предавам (съобщение, поздрави и пр.)
    4. давам, плащам
    5. давам, посвещавам, отдавам
    to GIVE one's life for давам/жертвувам живота си за
    to GIVE one's life to посвещавам живота си на
    6. определям, налагам (наказание), осъждам на, наказвам с, юр. издавам (решение), отсъждам
    they gave him six months hard labour осъдиха го на шест месеца каторжна работа
    7. със същ., изразяващи действие, се превежда със съответен бълг. гл.
    to GIVE one's hat a brush изчетквам си шапката
    to GIVE a shrug of the shoulders свивам рамене
    to GIVE a sigh/groan въздъхвам, изпъшквам
    to GIVE three cheers викам три пъти ура
    8. давам, излъчвам, изпускам (светлина, топлина и пр.)
    to GIVE a report изгърмявам
    9. показвам, отбелязвам, бележа, соча, давам
    further analysis GIVEs по-задълбоченият анализ показва/сочи
    10. изнасям, давам, устройвам, уреждам, изпълнявам (концерт, пиеса и пр.)
    11. предлагам/вдигам наздравица за, пия за здравето и пр. на
    I GIVE you our host (предлагам) да пием за (здравето на) домакина
    12. създавам, причинявам (болка, неприятности и пр.), доставям, правя (удоволствие и пр.)
    13. давам, нося, донасям (доход и пр.), раждам (за дърво и пр.)
    this field GIVEs a good crop of barley тази нива ражда добра реколта от ечемик
    14. давам, предавам, описвам, обрисувам
    15. отстъпвам, съгласявам се с
    I GIVE you that point in the argument тук си прав, по тази точка в спора се съгласявам с тебе
    16. поддавам, огъвам се, хлътвам, еластичен съм
    счупвам се (и с way), отпускам се, отхлабвам се, разхлабвам се
    my knees gave (way) beneath me коленете ми се огънаха, краката ми се подкосиха
    17. to GIVE way вж. way
    18. започвам да се топя, омеквам (за време)
    to GIVE as good as one gets, to GIVE tit for tat прен. не оставам длъжен
    to GIVE it someone (hot) наругавам/накастрям някого
    GIVE it them! дай им да се разберат! I was GIVEn to understand that увериха ме, че
    to GIVE someone what for прен. разг. нареждам някого, давам някому да се разбере
    to GIVE to the public/the world публикувам, издавам, правя обществено достояние
    GIVE you joy! бъди/бъдете щастлив/щастливи! it is not GIVEn to all to не всеки може, не всекиму е дадено да
    she's thirty, GIVE or take a year or two тя е около трийсетгодишна
    give away подарявам
    раздавам (something to someone), предавам (булка) на младоженец (като част от, сватбения обред), отказвам се от, жертвувам, разг. издавам (съзнателно или не)
    to GIVE the show/game away разг. издавам тайна, изплювам камъчето
    give back връщам, възстановявам, отразявам (ехо, образ), оттеглям се, отстъпвам
    give forth излъчвам, (из) пускам (светлина, арoмат и пр.), хим. освобождавам, пускам (издънки и пр.), издавам (звук), съобщавам, разгласявам
    give in (пре) давам, връчвам (пакет, писмо и пр.), съобщавам (името си, за да бъда представен, записан), отстъпвам
    предавам се, оставям се, отдавам се (to)
    to GIVE in to someone ам. отстъпвам някому, изпълнявам нечие желание
    GIVEn in търг. като добавка
    give off give forth
    give on водя, гледам към (за врата и прозорец)
    give out раздавам, разпределям, издавам, излъчвам (звук, топлина и пр.), съобщавам, оповестявам
    refl представям се (as за)
    aм. давам (интервю), свършвам се, привършвам, изчерпвам се, към края съм
    his heart/luck gave out сърцето/щастието му изневери
    give over предавам, оставям (something to someone)
    спирам, преставам (с ger), отказвам се (от), изоставям
    to GIVE over trying преставам да се мъча
    GIVE over crying престани да плачещ, стига си плакал
    reft отдавам се, жертва съм (to на) (u pass)
    give up отстъпвам, предавам (се), отказвам (се), жертвувам, отказвам се от, (из) оставям, зарязвам
    to GIVE up smoking отказвам се от пушенето
    I GIVE her uр отказвам се от нея, вдигам ръце от нея
    the doctors have GIVEn him up лекарите ca го отписали
    I had GIVEn you up не те очаквах вече, бях изгубил вече надежда, че ще дойдеш
    to GIVE up (all) hope отчайвам се, оставям всякаква надежда
    to GIVE up for lost смятам за загубен, предавам (на полицията и пр.), издавам (имена на съучастници и пр.)
    refl отдавам се, предавам се, задълбочавам се
    посвещавам се (to в, на)
    give uрon give on
    II. n еластичност, гъвкавост (и прен.)
    * * *
    {giv} v (gave {geiv}; given {'givn}) l. давам (s. th. to s.o
    * * *
    оставям; отдавам; придавам; предавам; предоставям; давам; завещавам; налагам;
    * * *
    1. 1 to give way вж. way 2. 1 давам, нося, донасям (доход и пр.), раждам (за дърво и пр.) 3. 1 давам, предавам, описвам, обрисувам 4. 1 започвам да се топя, омеквам (за време) 5. 1 отстъпвам, съгласявам се с 6. 1 поддавам, огъвам се, хлътвам, еластичен съм 7. 1 предлагам/вдигам наздравица за, пия за здравето и пр. на 8. 1 създавам, причинявам (болка, неприятности и пр.), доставям, правя (удоволствие и пр.) 9. a book was given to me, i wasgiven a book дадоха ми/дадена ми бе една книга 10. aм. давам (интервю), свършвам се, привършвам, изчерпвам се, към края съм 11. further analysis gives по-задълбоченият анализ показва/сочи 12. give away подарявам 13. give back връщам, възстановявам, отразявам (ехо, образ), оттеглям се, отстъпвам 14. give forth излъчвам, (из) пускам (светлина, арoмат и пр.), хим. освобождавам, пускам (издънки и пр.), издавам (звук), съобщавам, разгласявам 15. give in (пре) давам, връчвам (пакет, писмо и пр.), съобщавам (името си, за да бъда представен, записан), отстъпвам 16. give it them! дай им да се разберат! i was given to understand that увериха ме, че 17. give off give forth 18. give on водя, гледам към (за врата и прозорец) 19. give out раздавам, разпределям, издавам, излъчвам (звук, топлина и пр.), съобщавам, оповестявам 20. give over crying престани да плачещ, стига си плакал 21. give over предавам, оставям (something to someone) 22. give up отстъпвам, предавам (се), отказвам (се), жертвувам, отказвам се от, (из) оставям, зарязвам 23. give uрon give on 24. give you joy! бъди/бъдете щастлив/щастливи! it is not given to all to не всеки може, не всекиму е дадено да 25. given in търг. като добавка 26. his heart/luck gave out сърцето/щастието му изневери 27. i give her uр отказвам се от нея, вдигам ръце от нея 28. i give you our host (предлагам) да пием за (здравето на) домакина 29. i give you that point in the argument тук си прав, по тази точка в спора се съгласявам с тебе 30. i had given you up не те очаквах вече, бях изгубил вече надежда, че ще дойдеш 31. i. v (gave, given) давам (something to someone, someone something някому нещо) 32. ii. n еластичност, гъвкавост (и прен.) 33. it was give n to me пoдaрък ми e, подариха ми го 34. my knees gave (way) beneath me коленете ми се огънаха, краката ми се подкосиха 35. refl отдавам се, предавам се, задълбочавам се 36. refl представям се (as за) 37. reft отдавам се, жертва съм (to на) (u pass) 38. she's thirty, give or take a year or two тя е около трийсетгодишна 39. the doctors have given him up лекарите ca го отписали 40. they gave him six months hard labour осъдиха го на шест месеца каторжна работа 41. this field gives a good crop of barley тази нива ражда добра реколта от ечемик 42. to give a report изгърмявам 43. to give a shrug of the shoulders свивам рамене 44. to give a sigh/groan въздъхвам, изпъшквам 45. to give as good as one gets, to give tit for tat прен. не оставам длъжен 46. to give in to someone ам. отстъпвам някому, изпълнявам нечие желание 47. to give it someone (hot) наругавам/накастрям някого 48. to give one's hat a brush изчетквам си шапката 49. to give one's life for давам/жертвувам живота си за 50. to give one's life to посвещавам живота си на 51. to give over trying преставам да се мъча 52. to give someone what for прен. разг. нареждам някого, давам някому да се разбере 53. to give the show/game away разг. издавам тайна, изплювам камъчето 54. to give three cheers викам три пъти ура 55. to give to the public/the world публикувам, издавам, правя обществено достояние 56. to give up (all) hope отчайвам се, оставям всякаква надежда 57. to give up for lost смятам за загубен, предавам (на полицията и пр.), издавам (имена на съучастници и пр.) 58. to give up smoking отказвам се от пушенето 59. Предавам (съобщение, поздрави и пр.) 60. давам, излъчвам, изпускам (светлина, топлина и пр.) 61. давам, плащам 62. давам, посвещавам, отдавам 63. изнасям, давам, устройвам, уреждам, изпълнявам (концерт, пиеса и пр.) 64. определям, налагам (наказание), осъждам на, наказвам с, юр. издавам (решение), отсъждам 65. подарявам, давам, оставям, завещавам 66. показвам, отбелязвам, бележа, соча, давам 67. посвещавам се (to в, на) 68. предавам се, оставям се, отдавам се (to) 69. раздавам (something to someone), предавам (булка) на младоженец (като част от, сватбения обред), отказвам се от, жертвувам, разг. издавам (съзнателно или не) 70. спирам, преставам (с ger), отказвам се (от), изоставям 71. счупвам се (и с way), отпускам се, отхлабвам се, разхлабвам се 72. със същ., изразяващи действие, се превежда със съответен бълг. гл
    * * *
    give [giv] ( gave [geiv], given[givən]) I. v 1. давам, връчвам (s.th. to s.o., s.o. s.th. някому нещо); a pen was \given to me, I was \given a pen дадоха ми един химикал; to \give an answer давам отговор, отговарям; to \give lessons ( instruction) in давам уроци (преподавам) по; to \give o.'s daughter in marriage давам дъщеря си за жена (to на); 2. подарявам, давам; оставям, завещавам; what are you giving him for his birthday? какво ще му подариш за рождения ден? it was \given to him подарък му е, подариха му го; 3. предавам, връчвам; съобщавам; they gave her bad news at the hospital съобщиха ѝ лоша новина в болницата; to \give s.o. a letter from предавам някому писмо от; to \give s.o. into custody ( in charge) предавам някого на полицията; \give my regards to your daughter поздрави от мен дъщеря си; 4. заплащам, давам, плащам; the lady gave me a dollar tip дамата ми даде бакшиш от един долар; 5. давам, посещавам, отдавам; to \give o.'s life for давам живота си за; to \give o.'s life to посвещавам живота си на; to give o.'s attention to насочвам вниманието си към; 6. определям, налагам ( наказание); осъждам на, наказвам с; юрид. издавам ( решение); отсъждам; he was \given 10 years in prison осъдиха го на 10 години; they gave him 3 months hard labour осъдиха го на 3 месеца тежък физически труд; 7. със същ., които изразяват действие, се превежда със съответен български глагол; to \give a blow удрям; to give a cry ( shout) извиквам, надавам вик; to \give a jump подскачам; to \give a kick ритвам; to \give a look ( glance) поглеждам; to \give a shrug of the shoulders свивам рамене; to \give a sigh ( groan) въздъхвам, изпъшквам; to \give a speech произнасям реч; to \give a lecture изнасям лекция; to \give three cheers викам три пъти "ура"; 8. давам, излъчвам, изпускам, източник съм на (светлина, топлина и пр.); to \give a report изгърмявам; 9. показвам, отбелязвам, бележа, давам; he gave no sign of life той не даваше (показваше) никакви признаци на живот; 10. изнасям, давам, устройвам, уреждам ( банкет); изпълнявам (концерт, пиеса и пр.); to \give a recitation рецитирам; to \give a party давам (устройвам, уреждам) забава; каня гости; 11. предлагам (вдигам) наздравица, пия за (здравето и пр.) на; I \give you our host (предлагам) да пием за (здравето на) домакина; 12. създавам, причинявам (болка, неприятност и пр.); заразявам; доставям, правя (удоволствие и пр.); the noise \gives me a headache от шума ме боли главата; does your ear \give you pain? боли ли те ухото? to \give o.s. trouble правя си (създавам си) труд; 13. давам, нося, донасям, докарвам (доход и пр.); раждам (за дърво и пр.); this field \gives a good crop of barley тази нива ражда добър ечемик; 14. давам, предавам, описвам, обрисувам; 15. отстъпвам, съгласявам се с; the government's got to \give, or the miners will go on strike правителството трябва да отстъпи, иначе миньорите ще вдигнат стачка; 16. поддавам се, огъвам се, хлътвам, еластичен съм; счупвам се (и way); отпускам се, отхлабвам се, разхлабвам се; if the ladder \gives he will fall ако се счупи стълбата, той ще падне; he felt his legs gave beneath him той чувстваше, че не го държат краката (че краката му се подкосяват); 17.: to \give way отстъпвам, оставям се, отдавам се; отстъпвам място, оставям да мине (to); падам (за цени, акции и пр.); мор. греба силно, натискам силно греблата; to \give way to s.o. отстъпвам някому; to \give way to despair (grief etc.) оставям се (отдавам се) на отчаяние (скръб и пр.); to \give way to anger ( tears) давам воля на яда (сълзите) си; to \give way to traffic coming from the right давам предимство на автомобилите, идващи от дясната страна; 18. избелява (за цвят); 19. започва да се топи; затопля се, омеква, стопля се (за време); to \give a child a name кръщавам, именувам, наричам, назовавам; to \give a dog a bad name черня, очерням някого, изкарвам някому лошо име; to \give s.o. the fidgets ( jumps) разг. дразня, нервирам някого, лазя по нервите на; to \give as good as one gets, to \give tit for tat прен. не оставам длъжен; to \give birth to раждам; пораждам, предизвиквам, докарвам; to \give chase гоня, прогонвам; to \give ear слушам, послушвам, вслушвам се в; to \give effect to привеждам в изпълнение (действие), изпълнявам; to \give ground отстъпвам (особ. за войски); to \give o.'s right arm ( eye teeth) давам мило и драго; готов съм на всичко; to \give it to s.o. ( hot, strong), to \give s.o. hell давам някому да се разбере, наругавам, накастрям; to \give offence ( umbrage) обиждам; to \give place to отстъпвам място на, бивам заместен от; to \give rise to предизвиквам, причинявам, докарвам, пораждам; to \give s.o. the sack ( mitten) уволнявам, изгонвам от работа; отказвам на кандидат за женитба; to \give s.o. the slip измъквам се, изплъзвам се; to \give s.o. what for прен. нареждам някого, давам някому да се разбере; to \give the time of day поздравявам, казвам "добро утро" (добър ден и пр.); to \give to the public ( world) публикувам, издавам; правя обществено достояние; not to \give a damn пет пари не давам, не ме е грижа, не ме интересува; \give me the good old days къде са добрите стари времена, няма по-хубаво от добрите стари времена; you are a bright kid, I'll \give you that признавам, че си умно дете; добре де, умно дете си ( съгласен съм); it is not \given to all to не всеки може, не всекиму е дадено; \give me... разг. предпочитам ...; some people like country life \give me the town някои хора харесват живота на село, но аз предпочитам града; don't \give me that! не ми ги пробутвай тия! не вярвам! не може да бъде! II. n еластичност, гъвкавост (и прен.); отстъпчивост, примирителност, мекушавост, добрина.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > give

  • 7 give

    1. transitive verb,
    1) (hand over, pass) geben; (transfer from one's authority, custody, or responsibility) überbringen; übergeben (to an + Akk.)

    she gave him her bag to carrysie gab ihm ihre Tasche zum Tragen

    Give it to me! I'll do itGib her! Ich mache das

    give me... — (on telephone) geben Sie mir...; verbinden Sie mich mit...

    2) (as gift) schenken; (donate) spenden; geben; (bequeath) vermachen

    give somebody something, give something to somebody — jemandem etwas schenken

    the book was given [to] me by my son — das Buch hat mir mein Sohn geschenkt

    I wouldn't have it if it was given [to] me — ich würde es nicht mal geschenkt nehmen; abs.

    give [a donation] to charity — für wohltätige Zwecke spenden

    give and take(fig.) Kompromisse eingehen; (in marriage etc.) geben und nehmen

    3) (sell) verkaufen; geben; (pay) zahlen; geben (ugs.); (sacrifice) geben; opfern

    give somebody something [in exchange] for something — jemandem etwas für etwas [im Tausch] geben

    I would give anything or my right arm/a lot to be there — ich würde alles/viel darum geben, wenn ich dort sein könnte

    4) (assign) aufgeben [Hausaufgaben, Strafarbeit usw.]; (sentence to) geben [10 Jahre Gefängnis usw.]
    5) (grant, award) geben [Erlaubnis, Arbeitsplatz, Interview, Rabatt, Fähigkeit, Kraft]; verleihen [Preis, Titel, Orden usw.]

    he was given the privilege/honour of doing it — ihm wurde das Vorrecht/die Ehre zuteil, es zu tun

    give somebody to understand or believe that... — jemanden glauben lassen, dass...

    6) (entrust somebody with) übertragen (to Dat.)

    give somebody the power to do something — jemanden ermächtigen, etwas zu tun

    7) (allow somebody to have) geben [Recht, Zeit, Arbeit]; überlassen [seinen Sitzplatz]; lassen [Wahl, Zeit]

    they gave me [the use of] their car for the weekend — sie überließen mir ihr Auto übers Wochenende

    give yourself time to think about itlass dir Zeit, und denk darüber nach

    give me London any day or time or every time — (fig. coll.) London ist mir zehnmal lieber

    I['ll] give you/him etc. that — (fig. coll.): (grant) das gebe ich zu; zugegeben

    you've got to give it to him(fig. coll.) das muss man ihm lassen

    it cost £5, give or take a few pence — es hat so um die fünf Pfund gekostet (ugs.)

    given that(because) da; (if) wenn

    given the right toolsmit dem richtigen Werkzeug

    given time, I'll do it — wenn ich Zeit habe, mache ich es

    8) (offer to somebody) geben, reichen [Arm, Hand usw.]
    9) (cause somebody/something to have) geben; verleihen [Charme, Reiz, Gewicht, Nachdruck]; bereiten, machen [Freude, Mühe, Kummer]; bereiten, verursachen [Schmerz]; bieten [Abwechslung, Schutz]; leisten [Hilfe]; gewähren [Unterstützung]

    I was given the guest roomman gab mir das Gästezimmer

    give a clear picture(Telev.) ein gutes Bild haben

    give somebody what for(sl.) es jemandem geben (ugs.)

    10) (convey in words, tell, communicate) angeben [Namen, Anschrift, Alter, Grund, Zahl]; nennen [Grund, Einzelheiten, Losungswort]; geben [Rat, Beispiel, Befehl, Anweisung, Antwort]; fällen [Urteil, Entscheidung]; sagen [Meinung]; bekannt geben [Nachricht, Ergebnis]; machen [Andeutung]; erteilen [Verweis, Rüge]; (present, set forth) [Wörterbuch, Brief:] enthalten; [Zeitung:] bringen [Bericht]

    give somebody the factsjemanden mit den Fakten vertraut od. bekannt machen

    don't give me that!(coll.) erzähl mir [doch] nichts! (ugs.)

    11) given (specified) gegeben
    12) (perform, read, sing, etc.) geben [Vorstellung, Konzert]; halten [Vortrag, Seminar]; vorlesen [Gedicht, Erzählung]; singen [Lied]; spielen [Schauspiel, Oper, Musikstück]

    give us a songsing mal was

    13) ausbringen [Toast, Trinkspruch]; (as toast)

    ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Queen — meine Damen, meine Herren, auf die Königin od. das Wohl der Königin

    14) (produce) geben [Licht, Milch]; tragen [Früchte]; ergeben [Zahlen, Resultat]; erbringen [Ernte]
    15) (cause to develop) machen
    16) (make somebody undergo) geben; versetzen [Schlag, Stoß]; verabreichen (geh.), geben [Arznei]

    give somebody a [friendly] look — jemandem einen [freundlichen] Blick zuwerfen

    he gave her hand a squeezeer drückte ihr die Hand

    give as good as one gets(coll.) es jemandem mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen

    17) (execute, make, show) geben [Zeichen, Stoß, Tritt]; machen [Satz, Ruck]; ausstoßen [Schrei, Seufzer, Pfiff]

    give a [little] smile — [schwach] lächeln

    give something/somebody a look — sich (Dat.) etwas/jemanden ansehen

    18) (devote, dedicate) widmen

    be given to something/doing something — zu etwas neigen/etwas gern tun

    give all one's got(coll.) sein möglichstes tun

    19) (be host at) geben [Party, Empfang, Essen usw.]

    give somebody/something two months/a year — jemandem/einer Sache zwei Monate/ein Jahr geben

    2. intransitive verb,
    gave, given
    1) (yield, bend) nachgeben (auch fig.); [Knie:] weich werden; [Bett:] federn; (break down) zusammenbrechen; [Brücke:] einstürzen; (fig.) nachlassen
    2) (lead)

    give on to the street/garden — [Tür usw.:] auf die Straße hinausführen/in den Garten führen

    3. noun
    1) Nachgiebigkeit, die; (elasticity) Elastizität, die

    have [no] give — [nicht] nachgeben


    give and take(compromise) Kompromiss, der; (exchange of concessions) Geben und Nehmen, das

    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/31217/give_away">give away
    - give back
    - give in
    - give off
    - give out
    - give over
    - give up
    - give way
    * * *
    (to dismiss (someone) or to be dismissed (usually from a job): He got the boot for always being late.) rausgeschmissen werden
    * * *
    <gave, given>
    1. (in collocations) see birth 1, blood I. 1, call I. 1, chase I. 1, evidence I. 2, kiss2 I. 1, look I. 1, smile I.
    2. (hand over)
    to \give sb sth [or sth to sb] jdm etw geben
    to \give sb a cold jdn mit seiner Erkältung anstecken
    to \give a woman in marriage to sb eine Frau an jdn verheiraten
    she gave him two sons sie schenkte ihm zwei Söhne
    to \give sb sth medicine jdm etw geben
    to \give sb a sedative jdm ein Beruhigungsmittel geben
    4. (as present)
    to \give sb sth [or sth to sb] jdm etw schenken; (donate) jdm etw spenden
    this book was given to me by my best friend dieses Buch hat mir meine beste Freundin geschenkt
    please \give generously wir bitten um großzügige Spenden
    to \give sb a present jdm etwas schenken
    to \give sb sth as a present jdm etw schenken
    to \give sb sth jdm etw geben
    to \give sb an excuse for sth/for doing [or to do] sth jdm als Entschuldigung für etw akk dienen
    to \give sb food jdm zu essen geben
    to \give sb one's seat jdm seinen Platz anbieten
    to \give sb something to eat/drink jdm etwas zu essen/trinken anbieten
    they gave us pork for dinner zum Abendessen servierten sie Schweinefleisch
    \given the choice wenn ich die Wahl hätte; see also example 1, strength 12, support II. 2, 4
    to \give one's baby/sth into sb's care jdm sein Baby/etw anvertrauen
    to \give sb the power to do sth jdn dazu bevollmächtigen, etw zu tun
    I'd \give anything [or the world] [or my right arm] to be... ich würde alles dafür geben [o tun],... zu sein
    8. (sell, pay)
    to \give sb sth for £20 jdm etw für 20 Pfund verkaufen
    to \give sb £20 for sth jdm für etw akk 20 Pfund zahlen
    how much did you \give for that? wie viel hast du dafür gezahlt?
    I'll \give you the camera for £100 für 100 Pfund gehört die Kamera dir!
    to \give sb sth etw bei jdm hervorrufen
    sth \gives sb a headache jd bekommt von etw dat Kopfschmerzen; ( fig) etw bereitet jdm Kopfschmerzen
    to \give sb/sth a bad name jdn/etw in Verruf bringen
    to \give sb to understand that... jdm zu verstehen geben, dass...
    the fresh air has \given us an appetite die frische Luft hat uns Appetit gemacht
    that will \give you something to think about! darüber kannst du ja mal nachdenken!
    what gave you that idea? wie kommst du denn auf die Idee?; see also joy 1, pleasure 1, pain I. 1, 2, trouble I. 4
    to \give sb sth jdm etw geben
    to \give sb his/her due jdm Ehre erweisen
    \give the devil his due Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt
    to \give sb encouragement jdn ermutigen
    to \give sb permission [to do sth] jdm die Erlaubnis erteilen[, etw zu tun]
    11. (impart)
    to \give one's age/name sein Alter/seinen Namen angeben
    to \give a decision court ein Urteil fällen
    to \give sb the news of sth jdm etw mitteilen
    can you \give me any details? können Sie mir irgendwelche Einzelheiten nennen?
    she wouldn't \give me her opinion sie wollte mir nicht sagen, was sie denkt
    he couldn't \give me a reason why... er konnte mir auch nicht sagen, warum...
    \give him my thanks richten Sie ihm meinen Dank aus
    \give her my regards [or my best wishes] grüß' sie schön von mir!; see also advice 1, answer I. 1, information I. 1, notice II. 4, warning 2
    to be given full sentence/life imprisonment die Höchststrafe/lebenslang bekommen
    the teacher gave us no exercises today der Lehrer hat uns heute nichts aufgegeben
    13. usu imper (connect with)
    \give me the police/sales department/Mr Smith verbinden Sie mich bitte mit der Polizei/der Verkaufsabteilung/Mr. Smith
    to \give sb sth time jdm etw geben
    just \give me two more days geben Sie mir noch zwei Tage extra
    I'll \give you a day to think it over ich lasse dir einen Tag Bedenkzeit
    \give yourself time to get over it lass' dir Zeit, um darüber hinwegzukommen
    \give or take mehr oder weniger
    he came at six o'clock, \give or take a few minutes er kam so gegen sechs
    15. (predict)
    to \give sb/sth three months/five years marriage, relationship jdm/etw drei Monate/fünf Jahre geben
    to \give a concert ein Konzert geben
    to \give a speech/lecture eine Rede/einen Vortrag halten
    \give us a song, John sing uns was vor John!
    17. (host)
    to \give a party/reception eine Party/einen Empfang geben
    18. (utter, emit)
    to \give a bark bellen
    to \give a cry/groan aufschreien/-stöhnen
    to \give a noise ein Geräusch von sich dat geben; see also laugh I. 1, sigh I.
    19. (like best)
    \give me PONS every time [or any day] es geht doch nichts über PONS!
    20. (value)
    to not \give much [or anything] for sth nicht viel auf etw akk geben fam
    to \give one's life to sth etw dat sein Leben widmen
    22. ( fam: punish)
    I'll \give you what for, young lady, coming home at 2 o'clock in the morning! ich geb' dir gleich was, junge Dame — um zwei Uhr morgens nach Hause zu kommen!
    to \give sth result, number etw ergeben
    to \give milk/light Milch/Licht geben
    to \give warmth Wärme spenden
    24. (do)
    to \give sb's hand a squeeze jdm die Hand drücken
    to \give sb a [dirty/friendly] look jdm einen vernichtenden/freundlichen Blick zuwerfen
    to \give a shrug mit den Schultern [o Achseln] zucken
    25. (admit/grant)
    she's quite brave, I'll \give you that das gestehe ich dir zu — Mut hat sie
    I'll \give you that das muss man dir lassen
    26. ( form: prone to)
    to be \given to sth zu etw dat neigen
    to \give a toast to sb auf jdn einen Tost ausbringen
    I \give you the president auf den Präsidenten!; (as speaker) das Wort hat der Präsident
    \give me a break! jetzt mach aber mal halblang! fam; (stop) jetzt hör' aber auf! fam; (don't believe) das glaubst du doch selbst nicht! fam
    I don't \give a damn ( fam) [or (fam!) a shit] [or ( vulg) a fuck] das ist mir scheißegal! derb
    to \give a dog a bad name BRIT ( saying) alte Geschichten [wieder] aufwärmen
    don't \give me that! komm mir doch nicht damit! fam
    you just have to \give it a go du musst es einfach versuchen! fam
    <gave, -n>
    to \give to sth charity für etw akk spenden
    to \give of one's best sein Bestes geben
    to \give of one's money/time sein Geld/seine Zeit opfern
    to \give generously großzügig spenden
    to \give and take [gegenseitige] Kompromisse machen
    2. (bend, yield) rope reißen; bed federn; knees weich werden
    to \give [under [or with] sth] weight [unter etw dat] nachgeben
    3. (collapse) bridge einstürzen; seam platzen
    you can't work so hard all the time, something's bound to \give du kannst nicht die ganze Zeit so hart arbeiten, sonst wird das irgendwann mal ganz böse ausgehen! sl
    4. (be at an end)
    sth \gives patience mit etw dat ist es vorbei; nerves, voice etw versagt
    what \gives? was gibt's Neues?
    what \gives here? was ist hier so los? fam
    \give! erzähl' schon! fam
    it is better [or more blessed] to \give than to receive ( prov) Geben ist seliger denn Nehmen prov
    to \give as good as one gets Gleiches mit Gleichem vergelten
    no pl Nachgiebigkeit f; (elasticity) Elastizität f; of bed Federung f
    to [not] have much \give [nicht] sehr nachgeben; (elastic) [nicht] sehr elastisch sein
    * * *
    [gɪv] vb: pret gave, ptp given
    When give is part of a set combination, eg. give evidence, give chase, look up the other word.

    we were given three exercises she was given a sedativewir haben drei Übungen bekommen or (as homework) aufbekommen man hat ihr or ihr wurde ein Beruhigungsmittel gegeben

    I'd give a lot/the world/anything to know... —

    what wouldn't I give to be like you — was würde ich nicht darum geben, so wie du zu sein

    11 o'clock, give or take a few minutes — so gegen 11 Uhr

    six foot, give or take a few inches — ungefähr sechs Fuß

    2) as present schenken; (= donate) spenden, geben

    it was given to me by my uncle, I was given it by my uncle — ich habe es von meinem Onkel bekommen or geschenkt bekommen

    he gave me a book as a present — er schenkte mir ein Buch, er machte mir ein Buch zum Geschenk

    3) with abstract nouns trouble machen; one's love, attention schenken; hospitality gewähren

    he gave the impression he didn't care — er machte den Eindruck, als ob es ihm egal wäre

    to give sb support —

    (God) give me strength to do it — Gott gebe mir die Kraft, es zu tun!

    give me strength/patience! — großer Gott! (inf)

    to give sb a look/smile — jdn ansehen/anlächeln

    to give sb a blow — jdn schlagen, jdm einen Schlag versetzen

    to give sb a push/kick — jdm einen Stoß/Tritt geben, jdn stoßen/treten

    to give one's hair a brush/wash — sich (dat) die Haare bürsten/waschen

    this incident gave him the basic plot of the story — durch dieses Ereignis bekam er die Grundidee für die Handlung der Geschichte

    who gave you that idea?wer hat dich denn auf die Idee gebracht?

    that will give you something to think aboutda hast du etwas, worüber du nachdenken kannst

    I'll give you something to cry about — ich werde schon zusehen, dass du weißt, warum du weinst

    give me Shakespeare/Spain (every time)! (inf)

    give me Renoir and Rembrandt, not these surrealist artists — mir sind Renoir und Rembrandt viel lieber als diese Surrealisten

    I was expecting him to give way — ich nahm an, er würde mir die Vorfahrt lassen

    "give way" — "Vorfahrt (gewähren)"

    4) = cause, cause to feel pleasure, joy machen, bereiten; pain bereiten

    to give sb painjdm wehtun (also fig), jdm Schmerzen bereiten

    it gives me great pleasure to... — es ist mir eine große Freude...

    to give sb a shockjdm einen Schock versetzen __diams; to give sb to understand that...

    I was given to understand/believe that... — mir wurde zu verstehen gegeben, dass...

    5) = punish with erteilen

    he gave the child a smacker gab dem Kind einen Klaps

    to give sb five years — jdn zu fünf Jahren verurteilen, jdm fünf Jahre aufbrummen

    he was given a thrashing/five years — er hat eine Tracht Prügel/fünf Jahre bekommen


    = utter to give a cry/groan/laugh/sigh — aufschreien/-stöhnen/-lachen/-seufzen

    7) = yield, produce milk, warmth, light etc geben; results (er)bringen; answer liefern
    8) = allow time geben

    they gave me a week to do it — sie gaben or ließen mir eine Woche Zeit, um es zu machen

    give yourself time to recover — lassen Sie sich Zeit, um sich zu erholen

    it's an improvement, I'll give you that — es ist eine Verbesserung, das gestehe ich (dir) ein

    he's a good worker, I'll give him that — eines muss man ihm lassen, er arbeitet gut

    9) = report, tell information, details, description, answer, advice geben; one's name, particulars angeben; suggestion machen; (= let sb know by letter, phone etc) decision, opinion, results mitteilen

    he wouldn't give me his decision/opinion — er wollte mir seine Entscheidung/Meinung nicht sagen

    they interrupted the film to give the football results — sie unterbrachen den Film, um die Fußballergebnisse zu bringen

    give him my regards — bestellen Sie ihm (schöne) Grüße, richten Sie ihm (schöne) Grüße von mir aus

    to give no/the right answer — nicht/richtig antworten

    his letter gave us the latest news —

    he forgot to give us the date — er hat vergessen, uns das Datum anzugeben or (verbally also) zu sagen or (by letter, phone etc also) mitzuteilen

    10) = hold, perform party, dinner, play geben; speech halten; song singen; toast ausbringen (to sb auf jdn)

    give us a song —

    I give you Mary (as toast) (as speaker) — auf Mary!, auf Marys Wohl! ich gebe Mary das Wort


    = do the child gave a little jump of excitement — das Kind machte vor Aufregung einen kleinen Luftsprung

    12) = devote widmen (
    to +dat)

    he has given himself entirely to medicine —

    he gave himself/his life to God — er weihte sich/sein Leben Gott

    1) = give way lit, fig = collapse, yield nachgeben; (strength, health, nerve, voice) versagen; (= break, rope, cable) reißen; (cold weather) nachlassen

    when you're under as much strain as that, something is bound to give (inf) — wenn man unter so viel Druck steht, muss es ja irgendwo aushaken (inf)

    2) = bend, be flexible nachgeben; (bed) federn; (dress) sich dehnen or weiten
    3) = give money etc geben, spenden

    you have to be prepared to give and take (fig) — man muss zu Kompromissen bereit sein, man muss auch mal zurückstecken können


    = be the matter esp US inf what gives? — was gibts? (inf), was ist los? (inf)


    = tell US inf OK, now give! — also, raus mit der Sprache! (inf)

    3. NOUN
    Nachgiebigkeit f, Elastizität f; (of floor, bed, chair) Federung f
    * * *
    give [ɡıv]
    A s
    1. Elastizität f, (des Bodens etc) Federung f:
    there is too much give in the rope das Seil ist zu locker (gespannt)
    2. fig
    a) Elastizität f, Flexibilität f
    b) Nachgiebigkeit f:
    there is no give in him er gibt nie nach
    B v/t prät gave [ɡeıv], pperf given [ˈɡıvn]
    1. a) geben:
    give sb the name of William jemandem den Namen William geben;
    give or take plus/minus;
    he has given me his cold er hat mich mit seiner Erkältung angesteckt
    b) schenken:
    c) Blut etc spenden
    2. geben, reichen:
    give sb one’s hand jemandem die Hand geben
    3. einen Brief etc (über)geben
    4. (als Gegenwert) geben, (be)zahlen:
    how much did you give for that coat?;
    give as good as one gets ( oder takes) mit gleicher Münze zurückzahlen
    5. eine Auskunft, einen Rat etc geben, erteilen:
    give a description eine Beschreibung geben (of gen oder von)
    6. sein Wort geben
    7. widmen:
    give one’s attention (energies) to sth einer Sache seine Aufmerksamkeit (Kraft) widmen
    8. sein Leben hingeben, opfern ( beide:
    for für)
    9. ein Recht, einen Titel, ein Amt etc verleihen, geben, übertragen:
    give sb a part in a play jemandem eine Rolle in einem Stück geben
    10. geben, gewähren, zugestehen:
    give sb a favo(u)r jemandem eine Gunst gewähren;
    just give me 24 hours geben Sie mir (nur) 24 Stunden (Zeit);
    give sb until …
    a) jemandem bis … Zeit geben oder lassen ( to do zu tun),
    b) jemandem bis … Bedenkzeit geben;
    I give you that point in diesem Punkt gebe ich Ihnen recht;
    give me the good old times! da lobe ich mir die gute alte Zeit!;
    give me Mozart any time Mozart geht mir über alles;
    it was not given to him to do it es war ihm nicht gegeben oder vergönnt, es zu tun
    11. einen Befehl, Auftrag etc geben, erteilen
    12. Hilfe gewähren, leisten, Schutz bieten
    13. einen Preis zuerkennen, zusprechen
    14. eine Arznei (ein)geben, verabreichen
    15. jemandem ein Zimmer etc geben, zuteilen, zuweisen
    16. Grüße etc übermitteln:
    give him my love bestelle ihm herzliche Grüße von mir
    17. übergeben, einliefern:
    give sb into custody jemanden der Polizei übergeben, jemanden verhaften lassen
    18. jemandem einen Schlag etc geben, versetzen
    20. a) von sich geben, äußern: cry A 1, laugh A 1, shout C 1, sign A 6, smile C 1, start A 6
    b) eine Erklärung etc abgeben
    c) eine Rede etc halten
    21. (an)geben, mitteilen, seine Telefonnummer etc angeben:
    give a reason einen Grund angeben;
    don’t give me that! das glaubst du doch selbst nicht!;
    this clock gives the right time diese Uhr zeigt die richtige Zeit an; name Bes Redew
    22. ein Lied etc zum Besten geben, vortragen
    23. ein Konzert etc geben, veranstalten:
    give a dinner ein Essen geben;
    give a play ein (Theater)Stück geben oder aufführen
    24. bereiten, verursachen:
    give pain Schmerzen bereiten, wehtun;
    give sb many problems jemandem viele Probleme aufgeben; pain A 1, A 2, pleasure A 1
    25. (er)geben:
    give no result ohne Ergebnis bleiben
    26. geben, hervorbringen:
    cows give milk Kühe geben Milch;
    the lamp gives a good light die Lampe gibt gutes Licht
    27. einen Trinkspruch ausbringen auf (akk):
    I give you the ladies ich trinke auf das Wohl der Damen
    28. geben, zuschreiben:
    I give him 50 years ich schätze ihn auf 50 Jahre
    29. jemandem zu tun, zu trinken etc geben:
    I was given to understand that … man gab mir zu verstehen, dass …
    give attention achtgeben (to auf akk);
    give it to him! umg gibs ihm!;
    C v/i
    1. geben, spenden (to dat):
    give and take geben und nehmen, einander entgegenkommen, kompromissbereit sein
    2. nachgeben (auch Preise):
    the foundations are giving das Fundament senkt sich;
    the chair gives comfortably der Stuhl federt angenehm;
    his knees gave under him seine Knie versagten
    3. what gives? sl was gibts?;
    what gives with him? sl was ist los mit ihm?
    4. nachlassen, schwächer werden
    5. versagen (Nerven etc)
    6. a) nachgeben, (Boden etc) federn
    b) sich dehnen (Kleidungsstück)
    7. sich anpassen (to dat oder an akk)
    8. a) führen ( into in akk; on[to] auf akk, nach) (Straße etc)
    b) gehen (on[to] nach) (Fenster etc)
    9. US umg
    a) sprechen:
    come on, give! los, raus mit der Sprache!
    b) aus sich herausgehen
    * * *
    1. transitive verb,
    1) (hand over, pass) geben; (transfer from one's authority, custody, or responsibility) überbringen; übergeben (to an + Akk.)

    give me... — (on telephone) geben Sie mir...; verbinden Sie mich mit...

    2) (as gift) schenken; (donate) spenden; geben; (bequeath) vermachen

    give somebody something, give something to somebody — jemandem etwas schenken

    the book was given [to] me by my son — das Buch hat mir mein Sohn geschenkt

    I wouldn't have it if it was given [to] me — ich würde es nicht mal geschenkt nehmen; abs.

    give [a donation] to charity — für wohltätige Zwecke spenden

    give and take(fig.) Kompromisse eingehen; (in marriage etc.) geben und nehmen

    3) (sell) verkaufen; geben; (pay) zahlen; geben (ugs.); (sacrifice) geben; opfern

    give somebody something [in exchange] for something — jemandem etwas für etwas [im Tausch] geben

    I would give anything or my right arm/a lot to be there — ich würde alles/viel darum geben, wenn ich dort sein könnte

    4) (assign) aufgeben [Hausaufgaben, Strafarbeit usw.]; (sentence to) geben [10 Jahre Gefängnis usw.]
    5) (grant, award) geben [Erlaubnis, Arbeitsplatz, Interview, Rabatt, Fähigkeit, Kraft]; verleihen [Preis, Titel, Orden usw.]

    he was given the privilege/honour of doing it — ihm wurde das Vorrecht/die Ehre zuteil, es zu tun

    give somebody to understand or believe that... — jemanden glauben lassen, dass...

    6) (entrust somebody with) übertragen (to Dat.)

    give somebody the power to do something — jemanden ermächtigen, etwas zu tun

    7) (allow somebody to have) geben [Recht, Zeit, Arbeit]; überlassen [seinen Sitzplatz]; lassen [Wahl, Zeit]

    they gave me [the use of] their car for the weekend — sie überließen mir ihr Auto übers Wochenende

    give yourself time to think about it — lass dir Zeit, und denk darüber nach

    give me London any day or time or every time — (fig. coll.) London ist mir zehnmal lieber

    I['ll] give you/him etc. that — (fig. coll.): (grant) das gebe ich zu; zugegeben

    you've got to give it to him(fig. coll.) das muss man ihm lassen

    it cost £5, give or take a few pence — es hat so um die fünf Pfund gekostet (ugs.)

    given that (because) da; (if) wenn

    given time, I'll do it — wenn ich Zeit habe, mache ich es

    8) (offer to somebody) geben, reichen [Arm, Hand usw.]
    9) (cause somebody/something to have) geben; verleihen [Charme, Reiz, Gewicht, Nachdruck]; bereiten, machen [Freude, Mühe, Kummer]; bereiten, verursachen [Schmerz]; bieten [Abwechslung, Schutz]; leisten [Hilfe]; gewähren [Unterstützung]

    give a clear picture(Telev.) ein gutes Bild haben

    give somebody what for(sl.) es jemandem geben (ugs.)

    10) (convey in words, tell, communicate) angeben [Namen, Anschrift, Alter, Grund, Zahl]; nennen [Grund, Einzelheiten, Losungswort]; geben [Rat, Beispiel, Befehl, Anweisung, Antwort]; fällen [Urteil, Entscheidung]; sagen [Meinung]; bekannt geben [Nachricht, Ergebnis]; machen [Andeutung]; erteilen [Verweis, Rüge]; (present, set forth) [Wörterbuch, Brief:] enthalten; [Zeitung:] bringen [Bericht]

    don't give me that!(coll.) erzähl mir [doch] nichts! (ugs.)

    11) given (specified) gegeben
    12) (perform, read, sing, etc.) geben [Vorstellung, Konzert]; halten [Vortrag, Seminar]; vorlesen [Gedicht, Erzählung]; singen [Lied]; spielen [Schauspiel, Oper, Musikstück]
    13) ausbringen [Toast, Trinkspruch]; (as toast)

    ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Queen — meine Damen, meine Herren, auf die Königin od. das Wohl der Königin

    14) (produce) geben [Licht, Milch]; tragen [Früchte]; ergeben [Zahlen, Resultat]; erbringen [Ernte]
    16) (make somebody undergo) geben; versetzen [Schlag, Stoß]; verabreichen (geh.), geben [Arznei]

    give somebody a [friendly] look — jemandem einen [freundlichen] Blick zuwerfen

    give as good as one gets(coll.) es jemandem mit gleicher Münze heimzahlen

    17) (execute, make, show) geben [Zeichen, Stoß, Tritt]; machen [Satz, Ruck]; ausstoßen [Schrei, Seufzer, Pfiff]

    give a [little] smile — [schwach] lächeln

    give something/somebody a look — sich (Dat.) etwas/jemanden ansehen

    18) (devote, dedicate) widmen

    be given to something/doing something — zu etwas neigen/etwas gern tun

    give all one's got(coll.) sein möglichstes tun

    19) (be host at) geben [Party, Empfang, Essen usw.]

    give somebody/something two months/a year — jemandem/einer Sache zwei Monate/ein Jahr geben

    2. intransitive verb,
    gave, given
    1) (yield, bend) nachgeben (auch fig.); [Knie:] weich werden; [Bett:] federn; (break down) zusammenbrechen; [Brücke:] einstürzen; (fig.) nachlassen

    give on to the street/garden — [Tür usw.:] auf die Straße hinausführen/in den Garten führen

    3. noun
    1) Nachgiebigkeit, die; (elasticity) Elastizität, die

    have [no] give — [nicht] nachgeben


    give and take (compromise) Kompromiss, der; (exchange of concessions) Geben und Nehmen, das

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (a lecture, etc.) v.
    abhalten (Lehrstunde, Vorlesung) v. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: gave, given)
    = bereiten v.
    eingeben v.
    geben v.
    (§ p.,pp.: gab, gegeben)
    hingeben v.
    verursachen v.
    widmen v.

    English-german dictionary > give

  • 8 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) dejar de, abandonar; rendirse
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) renunciar a, desistir
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) ceder, renunciar a, sacrificar
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) sacrificar, consagrar, dedicar
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) dar por
    give up vb dejar / abandonar
    : dejar, renunciar a, abandonar
    to give up smoking: dejar de fumar
    darse por vencido, -a expr.
    darse por vencido v.
    dejar v.
    desasir v.
    desposeer v.
    entregar v.
    rendirse v.
    renunciar v.
    1) v + o + adv, v + adv + o
    a) (renounce, cease from) \<\<alcohol\>\> dejar; \<\<pleasures/title\>\> renunciar a; \<\<job/project\>\> dejar, renunciar a; \<\<principle/fight\>\> abandonar

    to give up hope — perder* las esperanzas

    to give up -ing — dejar de + inf

    b) (relinquish, hand over) \<\<territory/position\>\> ceder, renunciar a; \<\<ticket/keys\>\> entregar*

    to give up one's seat to o for somebody — cederle or darle* el asiento a alguien

    2) ( surrender)

    to give oneself up — entregarse*

    3) (devote, sacrifice) \<\<time\>\> dedicar*
    4) v + adv
    a) (cease fighting, trying) rendirse*

    the campaign is in its sixth week, you can't give up now! — estamos en la sexta semana de la campaña no vas a abandonar la lucha ahora!

    all right, I give up — ( in guessing games etc) está bien, me rindo or me doy por vencido

    to give up on somebody: I've given up on them, they're hopeless — yo con ellos no insisto más or no pierdo más tiempo, son un caso perdido

    5) v + o + adv ( abandon hope for)

    to give somebody up for lost — dar* a alguien por desaparecido

    1. VT + ADV
    1) (=yield up) [+ seat, place] ceder; [+ authority] ceder, traspasar

    to give o.s. up to the police — entregarse a la policía

    to give o.s. up to — [+ vice] entregarse a, darse a

    2) (=hand over) [+ ticket] entregar
    3) (=renounce) [+ habit] dejar; [+ job, post] renunciar a, dejar; [+ friend] dejar de ver; [+ boyfriend] dejar, romper con; [+ beliefs, idea] abandonar
    4) (=devote) [+ one's life, time] dedicar (to a)
    5) (=sacrifice) [+ one's life] entregar ( for por); [+ career] renunciar a ( for por)

    they gave up their lives for their countryentregaron or sacrificaron sus vidas por la patria

    6) (=abandon hope for) [+ patient] desahuciar
    VI + ADV (=stop trying) rendirse

    I give up! (trying to guess) ¡me rindo!, ¡me doy por vencido!

    don't give up yet! — ¡no te rindas todavía!

    * * *
    1) v + o + adv, v + adv + o
    a) (renounce, cease from) \<\<alcohol\>\> dejar; \<\<pleasures/title\>\> renunciar a; \<\<job/project\>\> dejar, renunciar a; \<\<principle/fight\>\> abandonar

    to give up hope — perder* las esperanzas

    to give up -ing — dejar de + inf

    b) (relinquish, hand over) \<\<territory/position\>\> ceder, renunciar a; \<\<ticket/keys\>\> entregar*

    to give up one's seat to o for somebody — cederle or darle* el asiento a alguien

    2) ( surrender)

    to give oneself up — entregarse*

    3) (devote, sacrifice) \<\<time\>\> dedicar*
    4) v + adv
    a) (cease fighting, trying) rendirse*

    the campaign is in its sixth week, you can't give up now! — estamos en la sexta semana de la campaña no vas a abandonar la lucha ahora!

    all right, I give up — ( in guessing games etc) está bien, me rindo or me doy por vencido

    to give up on somebody: I've given up on them, they're hopeless — yo con ellos no insisto más or no pierdo más tiempo, son un caso perdido

    5) v + o + adv ( abandon hope for)

    to give somebody up for lost — dar* a alguien por desaparecido

    English-spanish dictionary > give up

  • 9 give up

    1. intransitive verb 2. transitive verb
    1) (renounce) aufgeben; ablegen [Gewohnheit]; widmen [Zeit]; (relinquish) verzichten auf (+ Akk.) [Territorium, Süßigkeiten]

    give something up(abandon habit) sich (Dat.) etwas abgewöhnen

    give somebody/something up as a bad job — (coll.) jemanden/etwas abschreiben (ugs.)


    give somebody up(as not coming) jemanden nicht mehr erwarten; (as beyond help) jemanden aufgeben

    3) (hand over to police etc.) übergeben (to Dat.)

    give oneself up [to somebody] — sich [jemandem] stellen

    * * *
    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) aufgeben
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) aufgeben
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) aufgeben
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) widmen
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) aufgeben
    * * *
    I. vi aufgeben, resignieren geh
    II. vt
    1. (quit)
    to \give up up ⇆ sth etw aufgeben
    to \give up up doing sth smoking, drinking mit etw dat aufhören
    to \give up up a habit eine Gewohnheit ablegen
    his girlfriend has given him up seine Freundin hat ihn fallengelassen
    he would have \give upn up everything for her für sie hätte er alles aufgegeben
    to \give up up ⇆ sth to sb place, seat jdm etw überlassen; territory etw an jdn abtreten
    to \give up oneself up [to the police] sich akk [der Polizei] stellen
    to \give up oneself up to sth sich akk etw dat hingeben
    after her death he gave himself up to grief nach ihrem Tod verfiel er dem Schmerz
    to \give up up ⇆ one's life to sth/doing sth sein Leben etw dat verschreiben geh
    to \give up sb up jdn aufgeben fam
    to \give up up sb/sth as a bad job jdn/etw abschreiben fam
    to \give up sb up for dead jdn für tot halten
    to \give up sb/sth up as lost jdn/etw verloren glauben
    * * *
    A v/t
    1. a) aufgeben, aufhören mit, etwas sein lassen:
    give up doing sth aufhören, etwas zu tun ( A 2);
    give up smoking das Rauchen aufgeben;
    I’ve given up eating meat ich esse kein Fleisch mehr; academic.ru/1600/alcohol">alcohol, ghost A 2
    b) den Kontakt abbrechen zu
    2. einen Plan, ein Rennen etc (als aussichts- oder hoffnungslos) aufgeben:
    give up doing sth es aufgeben, etwas zu tun ( A 1);
    the climbers were given up for dead es bestand keine Hoffnung mehr, dass die Bergsteiger noch am Leben waren;
    I give you up, you’ll never learn it umg ich gebs auf, du lernst es nie; brief B 3 b
    3. jemanden ausliefern:
    give o.s. up sich stellen ( to the police der Polizei)
    4. (to)
    a) einen Posten etc abgeben, abtreten (an akk)
    b) einen Sitzplatz etc frei machen (für)
    c) eine Stadt etc ausliefern (dat)
    5. give o.s. up to sth
    a) sich einer Sache hingeben:
    give o.s. up to despair,
    b) sich einer Sache widmen:
    give o.s. up to caring for the sick
    B v/i
    1. (es) aufgeben, sich geschlagen geben
    2. damit aufhören, es aufgeben: do you smoke? no, I gave up last year
    3. resignieren
    4. I give up on you, you’ll never learn it umg ich gebs auf, du lernst es nie
    5. give up to the police sich der Polizei stellen
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb 2. transitive verb
    1) (renounce) aufgeben; ablegen [Gewohnheit]; widmen [Zeit]; (relinquish) verzichten auf (+ Akk.) [Territorium, Süßigkeiten]

    give something up (abandon habit) sich (Dat.) etwas abgewöhnen

    give somebody/something up as a bad job — (coll.) jemanden/etwas abschreiben (ugs.)


    give somebody up (as not coming) jemanden nicht mehr erwarten; (as beyond help) jemanden aufgeben

    3) (hand over to police etc.) übergeben (to Dat.)

    give oneself up [to somebody] — sich [jemandem] stellen

    * * *
    abgewöhnen v.
    aufgeben v.
    resignieren v.

    English-german dictionary > give up

  • 10 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) holde op; opgive
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) give afkald på
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) overgive; aflevere
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) bruge
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) anse
    * * *
    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) holde op; opgive
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) give afkald på
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) overgive; aflevere
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) bruge
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) anse

    English-Danish dictionary > give up

  • 11 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) opustiti
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) odreči se
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) predati (se)
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) posvetiti
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) imeti za
    * * *
    transitive verb & intransitive verb opustiti, odreči se; prenehati

    English-Slovenian dictionary > give up

  • 12 give up

    1. vi
    poddawać się (poddać się perf), rezygnować (zrezygnować perf)
    2. vt
    job, boyfriend, habit rzucać (rzucić perf); idea, hope porzucać (porzucić perf)

    to give o.s. up to — oddawać się (oddać się perf) +dat

    * * *
    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) zaprzestać
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) rzucić
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) ustąpić
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) poświęcić
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) zaniechać

    English-Polish dictionary > give up

  • 13 give way

       1) дaвaть дopoгу; paccтупитьcя, пpoпуcтить
        The crowd gave way, and one by one the prisoners were thrust in (U. Sinclair)
       2) (to smb. или smth.) уcтупaть, идти нa уcтупки кoму-л. или чeму-л., cдaвaть cвoи пoзиции; уcтупaть мecтo чeму-л., cмeнятьcя чём-л.
        The Government must not give way to political blackmail from the arms kings (Daily Worker). In the beginning he had been watched with anxiety, perhaps even with misgiving. But soon this gave way to open admiration (A. J. Cronin)
       3) oткaзaть, иcпopтитьcя, cлoмaтьcя; нaдлoмитьcя, oбpушитьcя, oбвaлитьcя; cдaть (o здopoвьe, нepвax); пoдкocитьcя (o нoгax)', пoмутитьcя (o paccудкe)
        Something gave way in him, and words came welling up (J. Galsworthy). The uproar was appalling, perilous to the eardrums; one feared there was too much sound for the room to hold - that the wall must give way or the ceiling crack (U. Sinclair). He moved forward and his legs gave way and he fell awkwardly and completely on his side (J. Aldridge). We have to do with one whose mind has given way under continued strain (J. Murdoch)
       4) (to smth.) дaвaть вoлю чeму-л., пoддaвaтьcя, пpeдaвaтьcя (кaкoму-л. чувcтву); пoтepять caмooблaдaниe
        Norah. Oh, it's cruel. Miss Pringle. (Trying to console her). My dear, don't give way. I'm sure you'll have no difficulty in finding another situation (W. S. Maugham). You mustn't give way to your feelings like this. You must not cry (Th. Dreiser). George fancied that, if it had not been for the restraining influence of the sweet woman at his side, the young man might have given way to violent language (J. K. Jerome)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > give way

  • 14 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) hætta við
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) hætta að nota
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) afhenda
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) helga sig, nota/eyða tíma í
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) átlíta/telja e-n vera

    English-Icelandic dictionary > give up

  • 15 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) abbahagy (vmit)
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) lemond (vmiről)
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) átad
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) áldoz (vmire)
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) felad

    English-Hungarian dictionary > give up

  • 16 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) desistir
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) desistir
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) desistir
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) devotar
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) desistir de

    English-Portuguese dictionary > give up

  • 17 give up

    v. bırakmak, vazgeçmek, ele vermek, teslim etmek, ayrılmak, adamak, istifa etmek, pes etmek
    * * *
    * * *
    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) bırakmak, vazgeçmek
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) bırakmak, terketmek
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) teslim olmak, ele vermek
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) vermek, adamak
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) ümidini kesmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > give up

  • 18 give up

    • jättää sikseen
    • herpaantua
    • heittää
    • hellittää
    • heittää sikseen
    • hylätä
    • alistua
    • antautua
    • antaa myöten
    • antaa periksi
    • päästää
    • resignoitua
    • keskeyttää
    • kieltäytyä
    • jättää
    • taipua
    • lakata
    • luopua jostakin
    • luopua kruunusta
    • lopettaa
    • luopua
    • luovuttaa
    * * *
    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) lopettaa
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) luopua
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) luovuttaa, antautua
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) omistaa
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) pitää jonakin

    English-Finnish dictionary > give up

  • 19 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) gi opp/avkall på
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) slutte med (å)
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) avlevere, levere inn
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) bruke (tid) på
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) oppgi håpet, gi tapt

    English-Norwegian dictionary > give up

  • 20 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) atmest (paradumus u.tml.); pamest (mācības u.tml.)
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) atteikties no
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) padoties; atdot
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) veltīt (laiku)
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) uzskatīt par []

    English-Latvian dictionary > give up

См. также в других словарях:

  • Something's Gotta Give (song) — Something s Gotta Give is a popular song with words and music by Johnny Mercer in 1954.cite book first= Philip last= Furia authorlink= coauthors= year= 1992 title=Poets of Tin Pan Alley edition= publisher=Oxford University Press location= New… …   Wikipedia

  • Something's Gotta Give (film) — Infobox Film name = Something s Gotta Give caption = Theatrical release poster director = Nancy Meyers producer = Nancy Meyers writer = Nancy Meyers starring = Jack Nicholson Diane Keaton Keanu Reeves Amanda Peet music = Hans Zimmer… …   Wikipedia

  • Give — (g[i^]v), v. t. [imp. {Gave} (g[=a]v); p. p. {Given} (g[i^]v n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Giving}.] [OE. given, yiven, yeven, AS. gifan, giefan; akin to D. geven, OS. ge[eth]an, OHG. geban, G. geben, Icel. gefa, Sw. gifva, Dan. give, Goth. giban. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • give something up to somebody — ˌgive sthˈup (to sb) derived to hand sth over to sb else • We had to give our passports up to the authorities. • He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman (= stood up to allow her to sit down). Main entry: ↑give …   Useful english dictionary

  • give — give1 [ gıv ] (past tense gave [ geıv ] ; past participle giv|en [ gıvn ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 provide someone with something ▸ 2 make someone owner of something ▸ 3 put medicine in someone ▸ 4 cause effect/experience ▸ 5 communicate ▸ 6 perform action …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • give — 1 verb past tense gavepast participle given PROVIDE/SUPPLY 1 (T) to provide or supply someone with something: give sb sth: Researchers were given a 10,000 grant to continue their work. | Can you give me a ride to the office on Tuesday? | He went… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • give — give1 W1S1 [gıv] v past tense gave [geıv] past participle given [ˈgıvən] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(present or money)¦ 2¦(put something in somebody s hand)¦ 3¦(let somebody do something)¦ 4¦(tell somebody something)¦ 5¦(make a movement/do an action)¦… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Something's Got to Give — This|the Marilyn Monroe film|Something s Gotta Give (disambiguation)Infobox Film name = Something s Got to Give caption = VHS Cover director = George Cukor producer = Henry T. Weinstein Gene Allen Peter Levathes writer = Original Screenplay Bella …   Wikipedia

  • give up — verb 1. lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime (Freq. 9) you ve forfeited your right to name your successor forfeited property • Syn: ↑forfeit, ↑throw overboard, ↑waiv …   Useful english dictionary

  • give — I UK [ɡɪv] / US verb Word forms give : present tense I/you/we/they give he/she/it gives present participle giving past tense gave UK [ɡeɪv] / US past participle given UK [ˈɡɪv(ə)n] / US *** 1) [transitive] to put something in someone s hand, or… …   English dictionary

  • give away — verb 1. make a gift of (Freq. 3) She gave away her antique furniture • Hypernyms: ↑give, ↑gift, ↑present • Verb Frames: Somebody s something 2. make known to the publi …   Useful english dictionary

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